Archivo de etiqueta: Simulacro

L’efficacia rituale

Alcuni anni fa, al manifestarsi di un certo affievolimento del colore e di alcune fessure nel legno, si ritenne, da parte di alcuni, che la statua avesse bisogno di restauri e la popolazione… Sigue leyendo

El mundo en orden

La miniatura es, así, la otredad por antonomasia, el Otro como lo queremos, lo necesitamos, lo vemos incluso –manejable. Pero la miniaturización implica una maniobra clara de domesticar, borrar las diferencias y los… Sigue leyendo

Executio in effigie…

Not only were good Christians encouraged by the Church to communicate with the saints by means of fabricated images but, throughout the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Holy See entertained a policy of… Sigue leyendo

Do they look real?

The notion of authenticity, of physical truthfulness, emerges too in the code of ethics of the National Taxidermists Association. Members pledge, “I will refuse to alter or falsify trophy characteristics” (“Taxidermists Code”). Taxidermist… Sigue leyendo

Visione, somiglianza, ricordo…

È talmente vasto e complesso il sistema di discriminazioni rispetto a chi può manipolare il simulacro, che si alimenta sovente, a livello locale, una puntigliosa memoria delle possibilità e degli interdetti. Su base… Sigue leyendo

The migration of the aura

Let us first notice, however, that the difference between performance arts and the others is not as radical as it seems: a painting has always to be reproduced, that is, it is always… Sigue leyendo

Real fake art

When I met Yin Xunzhi in order to interview him about the Jankowski project, I recognized him,  and his friends, as individuals who appear in more than one Michael Wolf photograph of Dafen… Sigue leyendo

El recuerdo difuminado

Bajo el pretexto de salvar el original, se ha prohibido visitar las grutas de Lascaux, pero se ha construido una réplica exacta a 500 metros del lugar para que todos puedan verlas (se… Sigue leyendo

The fall into the real

«The image also shares the baneful destiny of the sign and the metaphor: the fall into the real. In itself, the image is bound neither to truth nor to reality; it is appearance… Sigue leyendo

Enlace permanente

La ciencia y la técnica se han movilizado también recientemente para salvar la momia de Ramsés II tras haberla dejado pudrirse durante varias décadas en el fondo de un museo. El pánico invade… Sigue leyendo